Friday, May 29, 2020

Of peeps, and masks, and blocks

What a springtime!
I hope that all of you have stayed safe and healthy!

When I wrote the post for Memorial Day, I was amazed at how long it had been since I posted.
I'm sure that y'all have been busy, too.
Don't even get me started on the severe weather and the clean up that we needed to work on . . . 

But life does go on, right? We do still get to have some fun!

First, there were peeps to make, to make our mantel more cheerful:

Then, there were masks to make for first responders:

Lastly, I finally got some time in my sewing room and put together some more of the Summer Moon blocks! These are the Twin Star blocks -- aren't they cute?

What have you been up to?
Leave a comment and do tell!!