Sunday, August 11, 2013

The Pets on Quilts Show is here! 2013 Edition!

Today is the day! It's finally here! The 2013 Pets on Quilts Show starts today! (Oh, boy are we excited here at the Lilypad!)

We've affectionately labeled our show the "Bestest Show on Earth" because of all of the wonderful bloggers and Flickr folks who join us each year, and because of all the fun we have, seeing everyone's pets and quilts!

We have an awesome line-up of sponsors, and lots of lucky winners will be happy-dancing when their prizes arrive!
Just look at the Hall of Fame of Pet Show sponsors (and give them a huge round of applause, too, and be sure to check out their sites):

Raspberry Rabbits

Here's an update: We have one more sponsor to show you (and we will do a feature post after the show)....please welcome Lunchbox Quilts!

Thank you, sponsors, we love you all!

Need instructions on how to enter our show? Click on this link, and you will find updated and tweaked information that will tell you how to enter. We would say that it will "answer all your questions" but we know that some of you will put on your thinking caps and pose more questions, so we will try to keep it updated! (Wink!)

Oh, and don't worry about the fact that you can't see your entry when you look at the linky party....everyone else can see it just fine, in all of its cuteness! (Grin)

Don't forget -- you can earn TWO EXTRA ENTRIES in our random drawings by making a pet bed or blankie, and posting a picture on the Padsworth's Project page! We love rescue pups and kitties, and we cheer for the no-kill shelters that try so hard to find Forever Homes for them! You can read all about that if you click on this linkie! If you happen to make two blankies or beds, and post a second picture, you get TWO MORE entries! And so on, and so on. (The possibilities are staggering!)

Our virtual pet show will be open for new entries from now (August 11) until Saturday (August 17) and then we will start the voting on Sunday (August 18).  Voting will continue through the next Saturday, August 24.

Voters will leave comments (after the linky party is closed) detailing their choices for top honors in each category. We will tally them up and announce as soon as we can!  They will win some wonderful prizes, and then we'll let Mr. Random choose the winners for the rest of the prizes!

You can leave a comment today after you link up, that is one entry! Then hop around and leave some comment love for the other contestants - that is one entry if you visit them all (you just leave a comment here telling me that you did that). If you have posted on your blog, or tweeted, or posted on Facebook to spread the word, those are three more possible entries! Your vote (next week) counts as another entry, and you get the two extra ones if you help out a shelter near you with a bed or blankie.
You can, you see, have lots of entries in the random drawings!

We can't wait to see all of your entries . . . so let the party begin!

OH!!! DragonDrop is jumping up and down and insisting that I remind you . . . please make certain you are not a "no-reply" blogger! With all of the changes in Google, if you are not sure, just put your email address with your comment, like this: yourname(at)yahoo(dot)com

After all, you don't want Mr. Random to choose your name for a prize, and then we can't email you to let you claim it!!


This linky list is now closed.


  1. Definitely the Bestest Show on Earth! I had so much fun with this last year. Thank you very much for hosting such a great event.

  2. Yeah - it's finally here! And I got cooperation from weather and furry.

  3. We called it the Best Show on the Web and it is. Thanks for hosting I really love the Pets on Quilts.

  4. Hope my entry is OK< I hit every catagorie but had to choose one to enter so Dogs on a quilt will be my choice.. hope you like my quilts.. and I can't wait to see all the fun entries

  5. Thanks for all the work you've put in on this Jacque, Padsworth, and Dragon Drop. It is definitely the best show ever! I shared on my personal FB page:, and a link will show up on Cat Patches FB page as well. I hope you get lots of visitors! Can't wait to check out all the other pets and quilts.

  6. Thank you for all your time and effort putting this together.
    I watched last year and loved it. Show off our dogs and our quilts and maybe win a prize...awesomeness!
    aka dusty911 on flickr

  7. Thank you for another year of our favorite photos! I love seeing all the critters back :-)

  8. Thanks for putting this together! Looking forward to seeing all the furbabies. Also posted on Facebook,
    Roscoe, et al, approves!

  9. What a fun linky! I entered and I hope I followed the directions correctly ... although I already see I spelled my blog name wrong. Woops!

    Thanks for hosting this, I can't wait to start checking out all the sweet pet pictures!

  10. Oh, my photo did not load., don't know why. Should I try again? Kate

  11. I'm super excited to view the pets on quilts show this year. My good friend Agnes over at Dachsies with Moxie is my favorite quilter, along with Cindy, and this year my purr- babies were chosen has her design, which I find to be a honor and also the stockings she made for them are truly treasures in my household.
    I will now leave this blog and start on my trail of leaving comments on all the other quilt entries blogs and see what interesting and beautiful art they have to display with tremendous pride and love.
    God Bless,
    Mindy, Mama of The Slimmer Pugs & Purrs

  12. Yeah! I just put up my link for my first ever Pets on Quilts show. I've been waiting to enter since I first found out about looooong ago! Thanks so much for hosting this contest!

  13. I love this show, I've been excitedly waiting!
    I blogged about the show last week!

  14. I love this show, thanks for hosting! I published a post on my blog about this show and tweeted. For the bookshelf quilt I chose the category I choose the category "pet-themed quilt".
    Thanks again!

  15. Thanks for hosting! I look forward to all of the cute pets and quilty inspiration.

  16. I just linked up my picture of Buttercup chilling on our "Cozy Quilt" which I want to enter in the category "Cat on Quilt". I'm off to enjoying (and commenting on) all the other entries.

  17. I'm back from my tour of all entries, what fierce competition! But above all, after reading all these stories of people and their beloved pets I want to thank you all for sharing a little bit of the love you share with them! This is a great show!

  18. Well I added a link, but didn't see a place to choose category--cats on quilts. Here's hoping grandkitties count too since I don't have pets of my own.
    clairealex [at] gmail [dot] com

  19. Vof vof! Thank you for hosting again this Bestest Show! I'm so happy to join and meet pet friends and see their fantastic quilts! I'm Nero from Greece and send you all lots of sunny hugs!

  20. I entered and spread the word on my bloggie. Dis is soooooo much fun.

  21. This is the first year for me to join in on the fun with Pets on Quilts! I did post on facebook.

  22. Those are some great quilts. We wish everyone luck!

  23. Thanks for the chance to feature my sweet boy!

  24. I'm guessing this is Cami's "15 minutes of fame...:)

  25. I am participating and posted the badge on my blog. Thanks for hosting! The pets are so adorable.

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. just posted Max the mix and love to look at all the cuteness on this party - thank you for hosting!

  28. I just love this annual gathering of wonderful pets on quilts, great quilts, great pals :-) Thanks for hostessing!

  29. How have I missed this before !! Posted my entry, written a blog post & linked back ! Thanks for hosting this - great fun!!

  30. I shared on facebook

  31. What a fantastic idea!!! Love it! I posted one of my many sweethearts - wish I could include them all. Thanks for hosting this - good luck everyone!

  32. Some absolutely beautiful quilts and cute pups and cats to see here!

  33. Even though I don't have an entry - I always love seeing everyone's awesome work and cute pups and cats.... and horses!

  34. I have done a post and linked back to here.

  35. I linked up! There is so much cuteness to peruse at this year's show. Thank you for organizing it!

  36. I linked up. Thanks for hosting a fun link-up :)

  37. I love seeing all these great pets.. but some of the photos I couldn't comment on and two of the sites had bad links to them

  38. Love all the fur babies. They are so cute. As I was commenting there were 3 that I couldn't do for the following reasons:
    # 20 & 49 I do not have a Google+ account.
    #47 requires a Picture Trail account.

  39. Jacque just to say thank you to you and Padsworth for putting this all together and to everyone who has entered their fur babies and quilts. They all look fantastic and everyone is a winner. I, too, had a problem with a few where I couldn't comment, but did have a look at the pictures. Good luck to everyone in the parade. Susie x

  40. Such a fun link up. Thanks for hosting.

  41. Oh my I linked up, I have posted, and I have advertised. Now in the next few day I will be taking the tour of these great quilts. I see some of my friends are here. Thanks Agnes B. Bullock for posting on your blog that I had entered.
    Sweet William The Scot

  42. Wow!! This is a VERY impressive show!! Well done!

  43. Do you have to have a blog to enter? I do not have a blog.
    Thank you.

  44. Posted on my blog and shared to Google +

  45. We had so much fun last year, that we couldn't miss out in 2013

  46. I adore this ! I just had to do a blog post and enter !

  47. Okay I had to enter again on Flikr !

  48. my link isn't showing up. I will wait and see if it takes a bit and try again, But I entered!

  49. Linked up number 70 and posted on blog. Thanks for hosting this - we had a great time taking the photos!

  50. Suzi has just put in her entry, and we have featured you on our blog. Thank you for hosting.

  51. Moxie and I are linked up at #27. Thank you for hosting again this year.

  52. Animals are amazing creatures! Thanks for hosting such a fun event. Snickers and I are #72.

  53. Thanks for hosting such a fun contest. I had way too many choices of pictures. Max cat is number 74. I love it!

  54. I entered a photo of my dog Buddy with a wall hanging that I made of him in the contest (#75). Thanks for hosting this annual fun event.

    1. I did not see anywhere in the submission area to identify a specific category! How do I do this?

  55. I know it was a long time ago, but I shared about the show back in June here:

  56. Wow, lots of incredible pets and quilts posted here.

  57. I'm # 76 with Mystery, Tinker, Ashley, Midget, and Snickers.

  58. I posted on my blog, google+ and facebook.

  59. CJ and IO linked up, #80. Trying to find the Flickr page so we can post our pic there as well..........

  60. Well I, Sweet William The Scot, took the tour of all the quilts. I left comments everywhere I could. There were four that for some reason would not accept my google profile and one of those said by invitation only. I linked, I posted, I advertised and I toured. So I think I have earned my extra entries. Thank You
    Sweet William The Scot

  61. Pets on Quilts posted on my blog and I have linked up. Now off to visit all of the wonderful pets and quilts. Oh what fun!

  62. Had a blast visiting everyone. Some very good looking cat entries. That'll be one tough category. Left messages on all but two which for some reason didn't work for me. Best Linky ever! Keeping an eye out for last day entries. Don't want the fun to end!

  63. This is always a great show. Thanks for the fun.

  64. What a fun tribute to our furry friends! Thanks.

  65. Just added my entry! Will add to my blog later this evening! This is a great contest! I don't know if I will get the blankies done before midnight for a second entry - but I will still make some for Padsworth Project!
    So fun!
    xo jan@sewandsowfarm

  66. I posted on my blog
    Sew and Sow Farm. And I also added the button to my sidebar.
    I didn't realize until afterward thatwe were suppose to say what category we are entering but I am #84 Homeless No More entering under "Cats" category. (I should have read the instructions first! lol..)

  67. Thanks for hosting! I've added my link with Krystal & Bella on quilts :)

  68. I posted on my facebook account Sew and Sow Farm!
    this is a great contest. I will not get to make any blankies tonight before submissions close but I will still make some for our local humane Society. We do not have a rescue shelter other than the humane Society here.

  69. I visited each and every one in the contest and left a comment! Thanks again for hosting a fun event!!

  70. I tweeted:

  71. I have linked up. I did not try to correct my photo!I have been getting comments on it already! I have also posted on my second blog about the Pets on QUilts show. I do not tweet, so thought this might count as another entry!

  72. Sorry, I forgot the blog link and that I was signed in as the kitties.


  73. Aweeeeee some great ones and thanks to you My dear for bringing all the meows ans woofs together...

  74. Have left comments on all but two since there was no way to do so- entrants #88 and #47 .

  75. Have blogged about eh contest also! and put up the badge!

  76. Here are our votes

    Sweet William The Scott - Dog on Quilt #55
    Ranger - Art Quilt #19
    Dachsies with Moxie - cats on Quilt #5

  77. This is a terrific contest, but voting is overwhelming. Too many awesome pets and quilts...

  78. Nothing better than Critters and quilts!

  79. I linked up my photo of Popeye on my Sister's Choice quilt, but I forgot to leave a comment. He is on #78.

  80. Thanks for hosting a great party! We have heard from so many other nice bloggers and pet owners. We had a great time visiting all the other entries and seeing all the cute quilts and pets. I wrote two blog posts on the contest and posted on Facebook about six times. I got four of my friends to share the post too.
    Pugs and kisses,
    Nancy, Romeo, Elvis and LarryPug

  81. Dogs on Quilts #55; Cats on Quilts #5; Art Quilt #19

    Good luck everyone!

  82. whew, what a show, got to see all the lovely entries and commented on the ones I could great job to all the furbaby mama's and the great quilters and our wonderful hostess

  83. Yay! I finally visited and left comments on every post that would accept comments. there were a couple that I could not leave comments on. Still have to vote - I wrote my favorites down but the list got so long I have to go back through them! This is "The Bestest Show on Earth" and my first year entering at the last minute too. lol
    I will be watching next year for sure. Sew very much fun and I found alot of new blogs to follow too!
    I am cat#84 Homeless No More - (But i wrote a new post on my blog too but linked to the post about the kittens on one of my quilts)
    xo jan@sewandsowfarm

  84. Well, I joined it, linked up and visited all the blogs showing their marvelous pictures of the sweetest animals on earth :-) I left comments at each post that I could and really enjoyed seeing all the sweet faces and love! Thank you for another fun and inspiring Pet Parade! Now I'm off to vote!

  85. hoped around and looked at some really sweet faces all over the blogasphere

  86. Love looking at all the precious pets and quilts. Thank you for hosting such a wonderful event!

    Big Smiles,

  87. I have finally finished visiting everyone's link and enjoyed meeting all of the furry friends. I also linked up with the show on my blog.

  88. Linked up--check; visited as many entries as possible (can't seem to leave comments on google+ posts or some Flikr)--sorta check; now off to vote. I love the Pets on Quilts show--thanks for hosting such a wonderful event.

  89. Love to look at all the great photos. My fur ball is always under the quilt instead of on it. Maybe next year! Great show!!

  90. What a wonderful collection of Pet fun. One is just sweeter than the next.

  91. #84 - Homeless no More. Thanks so much!


I am so happy to hear from you! I try to respond to all comments, but lately blogger has made that difficult! If you do not receive a reply, it may be because your profile is set on "no-reply". Edit your profile, and click "show my email address" and we'll be able to talk!
Please do not leave links to un-related blogs or products. That is not good etiquette and they will be deleted! :)