Monday, February 10, 2014


I'm ready.

Truly, I am.

The lamps are full of oil, and the chimneys are clean.

The lighter is right beside one of them.

The saw is full of gas and oil.

The camp stove has fuel in it.
We've got a supply of nutritious food on hand.

(Oops, how did that get in here?)

And I have handwork that I can do. 

Did I forget to mention that there's an ice and snow storm headed here? (Grin) We are prepared to hunker down and stay warm!

Hope all of you are warm and safe, too, in your "neck of the woods"! If you don't hear from me, it might be that I have no interwebs for a while . . . but I'll be back soon!



  1. Oh wow...and here in Australia we are melting away...41 degrees today. Bit of a more moderate climate would be nice.

  2. WE have freezing drizzle and freezing fog tonight. Expecting sleet and snow tomorrow!

  3. Take care of yourself, and enjoy those snacks!

  4. It is above freezing here and rain is falling. And the temps are falling too....can you say "ice potential" ? Good....I thought you could.

  5. You ARE prepared! Currently, it's a balmy 4 below zero outside with wind chills at 10 below. All winter, I've had those some nutritious food supplies laid in the pantry. Stay safe - I know you all don't have the same resources to deal with winter storms as we do here in the upper Midwest.

  6. It's just like preparing for a camping trip!! Stay safe and warm.

  7. I bought several nice old oil lamps in preparation for moving to MO in a small town thinking the power would go out frequently, so far I have not had any problems! (although our pipes freeze frequently because the well house is so far from the house) I like the idea of a camp stove.

  8. It sounds like you are ready. Stay safe.

  9. Will you share some of your 'nutritional' food with me?!! Ditto for us. The fire is ablazin' as the snow is a'fallin'. Stay warm!

  10. snowing here in Georgia , maybe ice storm tomorrow

  11. We are always prepared and so happy you are as well! Living in the country with a well, we always are stocked up on extra bottles of drinking water and gallons of water for the pets, lots of warm quilts, propane for the grill and camp stoves, extra batteries for lighting and toys! Thanks for sharing and praying it passes without incident!

  12. Be safe. Spring will arrive soon.


  13. I must live near Karin, your first commenter, as we had 41 yesterday and 42 today again. The media got all excited as we are having our hottest summer on record with 12 days over 40 degrees celcius but I can't get too excited, its too hot to think about it! Thank heavens for airconditioners. I hope you get to stay safe and warm.

  14. Please stay safe, look after Padsworth and Dragondrop (no playing near the fire boys!!).
    Keep warm and enjoy the time to sew.

  15. Yep, global warming!! Grrr! I am thankful that the power lines here are buried underground so we rarely loose power, but goodness it has been ridiculously cold this winter. I moved to Tx for the warmth, and I can't seem to get warm! I hope you don't loose power, and if it does happen it is a short lived adventure. Fingers crossed.

  16. Hope you made it through the storm alright! We got it here too (about 16" total, I think.) And it's snowing again now. Ah, winter. ;)


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