Tuesday, February 25, 2014

We've got cabin fever! Linky party update!

Want to earn one more entry in our drawing for prizes?  Haha, I thought so!

OK, here's what you do . . . travel around to visit all of our entries and leave them some comment love. Be sure to check back later in the week to see if there's anyone else to hop over and cheer for.

Then come back here and leave a comment on the contest post telling me that you did it!

Easy peasy!

Love to all,

PS: "Spirit over Intellect".....you are a no reply blogger and I can't contact you to try and fix your linky. Please email me or comment and include your address (like this.....blogger(at)yahoo(dot)com) and then we can work things out.

Friday, February 21, 2014

Cabin Fever Linky Party!

Do you get cabin fever?
This has been a long cold winter, and it ain't over!

What do you do, when cabin fever hits?  Recently we told you to get ready for this linky party -- I hope you are ready to roll!  You might hunker down and sew, or read a book, or play with your pets, or, or......

Nah, I don't guess you go that far. (Wink)

We have some great prizes from our sponsors, and we'd love to see your cabin fever tips and strategies, so join our party, won't you?

Aurifil thread is providing one lucky winner a sample pack of yummy thread!

Heat Press Batting Together is providing a roll of their fabulous product for one of our winners!

Jacquelynne Steves of the The Art of Home is sponsoring a gift certificate for one lucky winner! Check out the lovely notecards at her online store, so you'll be ready to choose your prize!

Whoops! Almost forgot to tell you . . . After linking up, leave a comment to let us know you are partying with us. Following here at the Lilypad is not required, but you can get an extra entry in the drawing if you do!
Also, if you help us spread the party invitations via your blog or Facebook, let us know that, and you will have a third entry in the drawing!

Let the party begin! We'll leave this linky open for a week, until Saturday March 1, and choose our winners then. We'll try to let everyone know as soon as possible after that!


PS. Bear with me, as there are usually lots of comments on our party posts, so I might not be able to answer each one!

This linky list is now closed.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Underdogs rule!

One of our blog sponsors emailed me some great news recently, and I wanted to pass it along . . . Heat Press Batting Together is a product that we have reviewed and enjoyed working with in projects.

You can click here to see a tutorial on how to use it . . . it is the blog post where Kooshie the Wonder Pup made her first appearance here at the Lilypad. (Grin)

I love to root for the little guys . . . the underdogs . . . so when Jeanne told me that they had received their patent on the Heat Press Batting Together product, I was happy dancing for them!

Check out their press release:

Los Angeles, California, Jan. 9, 2014- HPBT, Inc. is happy to announce the issue of its United States Patent for the Heat Press Batting Together TM Fabric Batting Tape, Patent No. 8,435,634
Jeanne and Linda Harwood are the inventors of the batting tape and own a USA manufactured family- run business that specializes in quilting, crafting and sewing products.
Jeanne Harwood was a hobby quilter, who specialized in Long Arm quilting. Jeanne and her daughter Linda invented the batting tape when Jeanne continued having a problem with the quilt batting size changing, while loading the quilt on the long arm machine.
“...Since the launch of the business, the company has expanded with distributors throughout the U.S. and around the world. It’s the American dream of innovation. We created a unique product that makes quilting and crafting so much easier! We are very grateful to the quilting, crafting and sewing industries for their continued enthusiasm for our patented products.”, says Linda Harwood.
HPBT, Inc. plans to bring many new Heat Press Batting Together TM quilting, crafting and sewing products to the market in 2014.

HPBT is still working through some issues with larger companies who want to make similar products, but HPBT was the first, and now they have their patent, so I hope they will prevail!

I can personally vouch for the fact that this is an awesome product! I bet many of you are like me, and you save scraps of batting that you cut away from your projects. Yes, you can join the pieces with stitches, and overlap them, and all of that -- but Heat Press Batting Together is SEW much easier! 

Just lay the pieces down (I've even had some small gaps between them) and iron the HPBT tape over the join.

You have one piece of batting! It's strong and flexible; you don't even know where it is, after you sandwich your project. And it needles like a dream -- no stickiness or anything to bother you as you quilt!
(Can you tell I love this stuff?)

I hope that you will hop over to their site and check out the tape. It comes in different sizes and colors, and you can order from them and get your product quick as a wink. AND, they ship retail orders for free! You can't beat that!

Congratulations, Jeanne and Linda, and Heat Press Batting Together! It's fun to see the underdogs win!


Tuesday, February 18, 2014

We made it! (Linky party soon!)

Many thanks for all the good wishes . . . we made it through the storm! Wow, have you seen all the areas that have been so hard hit with all of this winter weather?

Just to go outside you have to clear a path! Lots of folks have been home from work; kids have been home from school . . . 

It's enough to give you cabin fever!
(Yeah, I'm crazy about the muppets; or just crazy!)

Hmmmm.....that's a great idea for a linky party!

And we love parties!

And we love to have some of our lucky followers win prizes!

That's a win-win situation if I ever saw one. (Grin)

Here at the Lilypad, this is what cabin fever looks like:

Using the Aurifil "Simply Color" thread case for a tent . . .

Seeing how many Aurifil thread spools can be stacked before they fall on a frog and a dragon . . .

Here is your assignment: put together a blog post or a Flickr upload that shows what you do when you get cabin fever! 

Maybe you quilt and quilt and quilt till your eyes cross.

 (Courtesy of Marcia's Crafty Sewing)

Or perhaps you bake until everyone's tummy is full.

Or maybe you just relax and pat your kitty or pup . . . 

 "You're gonna stay home and play again today????"

Show us what you do when cabin fever hits! Of course, we understand that some of us don't want to reveal ourselves on the interwebs -- you can hire a super model to substitute for you, or just show the project (not you).
Get your post ready, and we'll start the linky party soon, and announce the super prizes, too!


Monday, February 10, 2014


I'm ready.

Truly, I am.

The lamps are full of oil, and the chimneys are clean.

The lighter is right beside one of them.

The saw is full of gas and oil.

The camp stove has fuel in it.
We've got a supply of nutritious food on hand.

(Oops, how did that get in here?)

And I have handwork that I can do. 

Did I forget to mention that there's an ice and snow storm headed here? (Grin) We are prepared to hunker down and stay warm!

Hope all of you are warm and safe, too, in your "neck of the woods"! If you don't hear from me, it might be that I have no interwebs for a while . . . but I'll be back soon!


Monday, February 3, 2014

Slow Progress

Well, I mentioned in the last post that I'm trying valiantly to find time to play . . . and I did make some progress!

No stitching, yet, but some fusing and snipping!

Check these out, and you will see a sneaky peek at the project, which will be a pattern for two (possibly three) designs:

Whatcha think?

Me? These pictures have me thinking a cuppa joe would be great right about now. Or maybe tea. Maybe Padsworth will know. (Grin)
