Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Check us out today at Stash Manicure!

Madame Samm has graciously given us a spot in the lineup at Stash Manicure! Hop on over to Stash and see what Padsworth and I have cooked up for today!

If you are looking for our awesome giveaway party, click here!
If you are a "tadpole" in the great big lake of quilting, click here to see our post about the Wantobee A Quilter campaign, and sign up for three great months of fun and giveaways!



  1. I saw your post on Madame Samm. What an awesome software. Like I said over at Stash Manicure, 'It sure beats auditioning fabric on a design wall." No running to the store to try and find the perfect fabric then cutting and hoping it's right. You've got it all at your finger tips! Thanks for the tutorial.

  2. Enjoyed your post at Stash Manicure!

  3. Please be careful Ole Frog Eyes lest you slip off that lily pad. I am watching the developments with growing astonishment.

  4. Great post on Stash Manicure (Sew We Quilt)! Fun to see the border changes! Have a great day! Marcia

  5. Thank you for sharing about this great website. It will save so many quilts and quilters.

  6. I enjoyed your post on Stash Manicure.

  7. Loved the post at Stash Manicure, your software looks so awesome!

  8. Great post at Stash Manicure. Thanks for the giveaway!

  9. Totally awesome post at Stash Manicure. What a cool tool - if I had more time to sew, that would definitely be something I could benefit from. I'm a "visual" person and my largest hurdle when quilting is visualizing the finished product. This would be awesome for me! Thanks for sharing.

  10. Great way to audition quilts.

  11. Congratulations!!
    LOVED your post over at Stash Manicure!

    I just discovered your delightful post tonight, and want to see and know more!!
    (not getting to bed early tonight, I can see! LOL!)
    I just LOVE seeing how the changes "Peggy" made to her virtual quilt made decisions so clear, and easy to audition!
    ... Now, to go back and read more!...
    Patty T.


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