This is so exciting!
I'm always happy to be working on one of Jacquelynne Steves' wonderful patterns. This one is no exception -- there are so many ways to be creative here!
This pattern can be completed with embroidery, or applique, or even fussy-cut block centers, to showcase one of your favorite fabrics.
If you haven't signed up for this Block of the Month yet, hop over here (click on that link) and sign up quick! Come on! What's not to like? Can we say F - R - E - E ?!!! Yes, this talented designer is sharing this with us for nothing! Nada! Zilch!
This is a photo that I snagged from Jacquelynne's blog, and look at how cute it is! If you like these fabrics, you'll need to hop over to her store and see if there are any kits left....they were selling fast.
Today all of the bloggers that are helping with this Block of the Month are introducing themselves to you. I hope you will hop over to Jacquelynne's blog -- there's lots to see! Here is a list of the bloggers participating: (You are here!)
For those of you who may not have visited here at the Lilypad before, let me introduce you to my two assistants. What would life be like, if I didn't have a frog and a dragon frolicing in my sewing room?
Meet Padsworth:
Padsworth is truly a hard worker. He HAS to be . . . you can't count on Moses, the Studio Cat:
Or on Kooshie, the resident duck herder (as long as you don't say "bacon" anywhere near her, she's quite reliable).
Well, Padsworth used to have a virtual quilt design site, but it kinda petered out. So now he fills in at a lot of different tasks:
He helps announce prize winners!
He also auditions fabrics!
He keeps track of designs and such in my notebook!
And he is invaluable when my machine needs some looking after.
And you will also see DragonDrop:
DragonDrop arrived a couple of years ago from "the land down under." Our gracious friend, Mhairi, allowed us to adopt him, and he keeps busy, too!
He checks projects to make certain they are ready to be posted here at the Lilypad.
Someone has to build houses out of the charm packs, don't ya know?
He helps with the placement of applique, too.
Keeping the bobbins of our favorite Aurifil colors organized is important!
And it's a tough job, but someone needs to dive in the buttons regularly, and keep the stock rotated. (Grin)
Me? My name is Snoodles -- I prefer a certain amount of anonymity on the Interwebs, though many of my followers are better acquainted with me, and know my real name. I'm a retiree-wannabe, with so many designs in my head, and scraps in the bins, that there is not enough time in the day to get my work done and my quilting, too. I'm looking forward to the day that I can retire and play all day!
I enjoy applique (you can zoom in on that photo to see my original design at the top).
I added a completed "Swoon" quilt to my resume last year.
I loved making Jacquelynne's last design:

And small projects are fun, too, like Elizabeth Hartman's pillow.
Now, enough talk about me and my assistants -- you want to know how to win a prize, right? This time we are giving away two digital patterns from Jacquelynne Steves!
Two beautiful patterns -- the Merry Go Round pattern AND the Amelia pattern, which includes a charming pillow to go along with the quilt!
Here are your instructions -- be careful, read quickly, this tape will destroy itself in five, four, three, oh wait! This is the interwebs, we're OK.
1. Leave me a comment and tell me about your most memorable dance. (The name of the BOM is Maggie's First Dance, ya know, in honor of her grandma!)
2. It's not required that you be a follower, but if you are, you can leave a second comment for another entry in the giveaway.
3. Please make sure that you leave me a way to contact you. Lots of folks don't realize they are "no-reply" commenters, and if I can't respond to you via email, I will choose another winner, because it's really time-consuming to track people down. (Grin) You can ensure that I can reach you by including your address similar to this: padsworth(at)thelilypad(dot)com. I might not be able to answer each comment, but please know that I appreciate them all!
Easy peasy!
Our giveaway will be open until May 4, and then we'll huddle and choose a random number winner!
Hi Snoodles, love the Block of the Month but a little too much for me to do at this present time, I think it will be stunning when it is complete. Glad Padsworth and Dragon Drop are keeping busy in the quilting room. Love how Moses is hiding or is it just how he fell asleep?
ReplyDeleteMy first dance I remember was when I was six and I took my first Ballet exam. At the end of the exam we had to do a dance from a choice of four and mine was the Doll Dance. It was the first of many dances I did for Ballet exams and shows and reviews which my parents came to them all. It is a lovely memory but that first dance was the one I remember the most.
Thanks for a lovely giveaway. Hugs, Susie
My most memorable dance was at prom time, oh, so many years ago! You know, first love and all that?
ReplyDeleteI follow on my dashboard...yes, I'm still using it! Old habits die hard.
ReplyDeleteI can remember a very exciting and thrilling graduation dance when I was in grade 8.
ReplyDeleteThe first time my husband and I danced together.
ReplyDeleteThe first time my husband and I danced together.
ReplyDeleteMY most memorable dance was at my DGD's sweet 16 two years ago.
ReplyDeleteMy husband doesn't like to dance, so there is not a lot of that in my life. I treasure the few times I have managed to lure him onto the dance floor.
ReplyDeleteMy most memorable first dance was at my sisters wedding.
ReplyDeleteKeep those critters busy!
Most memorable dance - First attempt at line daning on a cruise boat about 8 weeks ago! Made a complete fool of myself by doing a mix of the dances I already know in my head - it's a bit like the Slush, ceilidh dancing isnt' it?!! So funny! Enjoyed it so much I'm now going to beginners line dancing classes!!
ReplyDeleteThe hokey pokey at quilt camp--hilarious! If you don't bring show and tell, you are doomed to dance!
ReplyDeleteI am a follower!
ReplyDeleteA very memorable dance was had this last weekend at a wedding for a very special couple. I danced with my husband and my father!!! I also loved watching my son dance with my mother!
ReplyDeleteI would probably say the 1st dance at my wedding although I enjoy the random dances in the living room with my husband when a good song comes on the radio.
ReplyDeleteI loved hearing about Padsworth and DragonDrop. We have several helpers around our house - currently Snowball and Punxsutawney Phil the King of Spring are having a fight, which means we have hot days followed by snow! I'm hoping Snowball decides to take a vacation soon :)
I'm a follower!
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad you're one of the featured bloggers, "Snoodles"! I'm afraid I let the cat out of the bag about your real name. I can change it on my blog if you'd like. It's going to be fun seeing how each of our versions of the BOM turns out. All beautiful of course!
ReplyDeleteI follow you on bloglovin! churcaeatauburndotedu
ReplyDeleteI can't dance worth beans but I enjoy watching...River Dance was my fav!! churcaeatauburndotedu
ReplyDeleteMost memorable dance? The very first dance I went was at a Catholic Church and all the girls were lined up on one wall and all the boys on the other. Circa 1981-1982 (
ReplyDeleteFamily dances
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed my 9th grade Prom the most.
ReplyDeleteDancing at my daughter's wedding.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite dance was my H.S. Freshman Homecoming Dance. Loved the dress I made and the group of friends that attended together.
ReplyDeleteMy most memorable dance has to be the Mother-Son dance at my youngest son's wedding. We talked through the whole dance, there were some tears, missing my husband/his dad who had passed away 10 years prior...let him know how proud of him I was and that his dad would be also. I loved everything about that special day, and the dance was especially memorable.
ReplyDeleteMy most memorable dance was my first prom with my boyfriend at his High School. Our romance didn't last after he graduated.
ReplyDeleteMy first dance was with a guy a friend fixed me up with.
ReplyDeleteMy first dance was in 5th grade. We lived in the country and Bruce from town rode his bike out to ask Daddy if he could take me to the dance. Daddy bought me a new teal color organdy dress with a satin ribbon at the waist to wear for the dance. I felt like a princess when Bruce and his dad picked me up for the dance that evening.
ReplyDeleteI did not go to many dances, but I remember a sock hop at Choctaw High School. I love Jacquelynne Steves and I am enrolled in Maggies First Dance patterns. I crystalbluern at tds dot not
ReplyDeleteFirst date and slow dancing with the man who became my husband 44 years ago. We knew each other three months before we were married.
ReplyDeleteFirst date and slow dancing with the man who became my husband 44 years ago. We knew each other three months before we were married.
ReplyDeleteTooooo many years ago, but I do remember enjoying going to the record hops when I was a young teen in San Antonio in the 60's.
ReplyDeleteMy most memorable dance? I think that would have to be the Father/ Daughter dance at my wedding. My Dad cried the whole time. It was so sweet.
ReplyDeleteWhile growing up, I lived close to a dance hall that had bands playing every Saturday night. We would watch American Bandstand to learn all the new dance steps and then that evening a group of girls would try our skills at dancing. It was fun talking with band members also.
ReplyDeleteWho doesn't remember their senior prom.
ReplyDeleteMoving from Rochester NY to Buffalo, NY and leaving a Catholic school to go to a public school was a bit of a culture shock for a 13 yr. old and going to CYO dances (Catholic Youth Organization) got me out of my shell!
ReplyDeleteDancing with my son at his wedding in September was a big thrill.
ReplyDeleteGoing to a Marine Corps ball with my husband.
ReplyDeleteMost memorable dance was not my prom nor military balls, but taking a dance class at college. It was fold dance and square dance. I thought it was going to be an easy class. I used muscles that had never been used before but I loved learning all the various dances of different countries, genres, and no one was hurt me or dance partners. ha.
ReplyDeleteSwing Dancing with my Mom when I was little.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite dance was my older cousins wedding...he thought it was great that I wanted to sit on the "special bench" that was decorated in the front of the he made sure that I did not feel too bad about not sitting there by finishing their "first" dance with me...I was 6. but so fun....
ReplyDeleteMy favorite dance was when I got to dance with my husband at my sister's wedding.
ReplyDeleteI think my first dance was at a Teen gathering, when I was in High School...was during our Freshmen year.
ReplyDeleteThanks for chance to win your Give-a-way too!! :)
My first dance was my freshman year in high school. It turned out to be special because the cutest boy in grade asked me to dance. It made the night so wonderful.
ReplyDeleteI used to square dance for my 4-H club. We won all kinds of awards and went everywhere. I don't square dance now, but it was sure fun then.
ReplyDeleteI hate dancing,so my favorite would have to be at my wedding.
ReplyDeleteI hate dancing,so my favorite would have to be at my wedding.
ReplyDeleteMy first dance was with my dad at a father daughter dance for church. It was wonderful I was probably about 7 and loved every min of it.
ReplyDeleteMy first dance was my Junior-senior prom in high school. I was a junior and my date was a senior that I had been going with for over a year.
ReplyDeleteOne of the prom dances in high school, (oh so long ago). Thanks, Patty B.
ReplyDeleteI would have to say my Senior Prom. That is when my high school sweetheart proposed to me and we have now been together almost 38 yrs. and have raised 4 wonderful children. Thanks for the wonderful giveaway.
ReplyDeleteI'm sure it's because of Prince's untimely departure, but I've been thinking about a certain 8th grade dance with A.R. To Purple Rain
ReplyDeleteMy senior prom.
ReplyDeleteMy most memorable dance was the first time I danced with my husband, the night I met him at the "Bullwhip." We did the two-step, the polka, the waltz, and the Cotton-Eyed Joe. Six weeks later he asked me to marry him and we've been married for 28 years this June.
ReplyDeleteJ Miranda
Saturday night Fever disco dancing at a function when a group of us started and the band kept playing till we dropped.
ReplyDeletemy first dance was with my father, at a wedding, I believe I stood on his shoes, while he was trying to teach me how to polka!! thank you for all the sharing all of you wonderful designers do. Have a great day, Cheri Allen muskego, Wi.
ReplyDeleteMost memorable dance was the time I competed in the adult division at an Irish dancing competition. I was so nervous I was shaking. When I finished, my youngest said, "You looked so pretty Mommy. I bet the judge didn't even notice you forgetting the steps!" It was so sweet and so awful all at the same time!
ReplyDeleteThe first "dance" I remember is as a 4 yo dancing the hula at my dance recital. I wouldn't get off the stage! I love all the wonderful sew alongs!
ReplyDeletemy most memorable dance was at our wedding. we went to ballroom dancing and had so much fun practicing a waltz with Dance of The Fairies. On that day, we did our dance and had a blast. At the end a friend of my moms came up in awe. She taught ballroom dance for many years and said we did not do the waltz. We did the Venetian Waltz. Which is similar but the tempo is faster and there are more turns and twirls. Wow we just had fun. It was fantastic. to this day (32 yrs.) we still waltz around the house and when out at occasions
ReplyDeletequilting dash lady at comcast dot net
I was trying to follow by email. Alas, did not find it. So i am now following on FB and bloglovin
ReplyDeletequilting dash lady at comcast dot net
The Sophomore Sock Hop in high school brings back the funniest memories for me.
ReplyDeleteI follow via Bloglovin'
ReplyDeleteI'm not much of a dancer but probably prom takes it.
ReplyDeleteI'm not much of a dancer but probably prom takes it.
ReplyDeleteMy dad taught me to dance when I was 6-7. It was the jitterbug to Elvis' Blue Suede Shoes!
ReplyDeleteMy most memorable dance was my senior prom, it is also the only dance I have been to.
ReplyDeleteTammy Balbinot
My home town used to have a dance every Friday night after the football games. I went all the time, but my first dance where I was actually asked to go was when I was in 8th grade and even though I didn't dance much, the boy that asked me, danced with me to all the songs. I think I stepped on his toes more than I did the dance floor.
ReplyDeleteMy most memorable dance was really a sorority party. Live band from Pittsburgh and doing the polka along with 60's dancing. My first dance in high school, I helped plan as class president so it was more work than play.
ReplyDeleteHello! My most pleasant memory, it was in my wedding. I keep in my heart this time! kisses
My most memorable dance was the first dance I went to as a freshman in high school which was the Homecoming dance.
ReplyDeleteI am a follower through bloglovin.
ReplyDeleteI remember my grade 7 prom. Was pretty fun.
ReplyDeletetracinecharest at Gmail dot com
I will have to say that my 'dancing' experiences have been very few. I did get to attend my boyfriend's (at the time) senior prom but my most memorable dance would be with my son at his wedding. At this time I could not tell you the name of the song but what I do remember was us both crying and I was thinking how fast the time 25 years had gone. Just the other day I found out I was pregnant with him after 8 years of waiting for that day. He was my answer to prayer and now I had to let him go because he was someone else's answer to prayer.
ReplyDeleteMy first dance with my now husband when we were both 16 at a highschool dance is my most memorable. We both knew that we would be together early in our relationship.
ReplyDeleteMy first dance was awkward because it was during the era when there were weekly~ sometimes more, new dances and I never felt confident at any of them. I guess it was being a teen that probably didn't help. Looking forward to seeing the BOM come.
ReplyDeleteI have two most memorable dances and those were with my sons at their weddings. Both boys made me feel like a beautiful young woman as they whisked me away on the dance floor and seemed to have eyes for no one but me.
ReplyDeletelove the quilt
ReplyDeleteMost memorable dance was my dad teaching me how to dance when I was a little girl. So perfect and so fun. I love the frog and dragon and I'm going to go find you to follow you Snoodles.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite dance was at my senior pep rally. I dance with my squad in front of the whole school before the big game. So much fun.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite dance was the square dance where I met my husband thirty years ago.
ReplyDeleteMy first dance! Easy! I Valentine's Day dance 47 years ago when I met my husband.
ReplyDeleteI have never done much dancing I do remember doing square dancing in junior high.
ReplyDeleteNever done much dancing but I really think I would love ballroom dancing or any choreographed dancing. Just nowhere near where I live to do that.
ReplyDeleteThe only dance I remember was a junior high dance. I'm so glad I don't have to deal with peer pressure like that anymore. 😊 I love your helpers.
ReplyDeleteI'm a regular follower via Bloglovin.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite dance was actually at my nephew's wedding reception, several years ago. My sisters and I and our mom all took turns dancing with my dad -- sweet memories! :)
ReplyDeleteAnd I've been a Google Friends follower for a while! :)
ReplyDeletemy memorable dance was with the youth group I helped with. I was dancing with Middle school and high school kids.
ReplyDeleteMost recently my most memorable dance was my dance with my son at his wedding (we didn't have dancing at our own wedding). Sweet memories of a wonderful night. (also enjoyed dancing with my hubby!)
ReplyDeleteI guess my most recent memorable dance was the first dance at our wedding. Perfect xx
ReplyDeleteIain.ross30 at gmail dot com
I am following via blog lovin
ReplyDeleteIain.ross30 at gmail dot com
Dancing at my son's wedding. Thanks for the giveaway.
ReplyDeleteNever been much of a dancer.. Thanks for give a way.. dhardenburg at prodigy dot net
ReplyDeleteI am a follower!
ReplyDeleteI am a follower!
ReplyDeleteGood morning. Never been much of a dancer or attended any dances, but I do remember dancing with my daughter when she was little and that was always fun. Thanks, Pam at
ReplyDeletemy husband and I just finished a 4 week dance sampler class. I favorite dance was East Coast Swing
ReplyDeleteI follow on Bloglovin.
ReplyDeleteJunior Prom with my boyfriend who is now my
ReplyDeleteMy most memorable dance? Okay; I'll date myself. Probably the Twist, because it sure didn't help me have a very small waist!! Great exercise, which I hate. I used to play tennis, golf, etc. Too many creaky bones now. Told you I was old... Seriously, can't wait for this BOM to start.
ReplyDeleteThe dances we used to have in the band room when I was in High School, band director chaperoned and we had a group of our guys who had a band that were really good for music. Lots of fun with friends!
ReplyDelete1. When I was 13 and sneaking out to dance with my first boyfriend and a community center.
ReplyDelete2. I am a new follower and will leave a second comment for my second entry.
Thanks for your generosity in participating in this and offering great freebies!
Oops auto correct got me again 1 was sneaking out to dance w/my 1st boyfriend at a local community center.
ReplyDeleteWell I tried to 'follow' your blog but did not find a clear way to do this so I saved your URL
ReplyDeletePlease let me know if there is a clear path to follow your blog.
My most memorable dance? It has to be my wedding reception dance!
ReplyDeleteI remember I was invited to a wedding and most of the people were young friends, I danced so much and that made me really happy
ReplyDeleteMy best dance was with my son at his wedding reception. I will never forget it.
ReplyDeleteAny dance with my husband of 43 years, preferably slow.
ReplyDeleteKathy H.
I follow on Bloglovin. Thanks
ReplyDeleteKathy H.
My most memorable dance was the first time I danced with my husband.
ReplyDeleteSherry W
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI forgot to add my address. It is mjrclark [at] yahoo [dot] com
ReplyDeleteMost memorable and only with my husband... My Senior Prim in 1981, we were married... He asked me to dance... It was the first and last with him, as everytime I want to dance he says He can't . That he doesn't know how!! LOL... But we sway around the house... Playing. So I'm happy.