Monday, August 17, 2015

Pets on Quilts 2015

Today is the day! Our show begins!

I hope everyone is ready!

You can see that Padsworth and DragonDrop are ready! They got all dressed up, but hey, you don't have to . . . this is a virtual party. You can attend in your jammies and your bunny slippers, or you can get all dolled up and wear your bling!

This party would not be possible without our generous sponsors! (Waving) Thank you to each and every one of them!

Vrooman's Quilts is graciously providing a layer cake of cute fabric: Best in Show by Kanvas for Benartex

Bejeweled Quilts by Barb is providing one of our winners two of her wonderful patterns and an assortment of 40 five inch batik squares by Island Batiks

Marcia of Crafty Sewing and Quilting is providing each of three lucky winners their choice of one of her great pdf patterns

Abbi Mays fabric shop - one lucky winner will receive a gift certificate for $35 to spend in the store!

Terri Stegmiller -  Two winners will each receive this cute pattern: "Pickin Flowers"

The Fat Quarter Shop is sponsoring two winners this year! Two of our Pet Show winners will each receive a $50 gift certificate to shop with!

Green Fairy Quilts is supplying one of our winners with a lovely jelly roll of "Evergreen"!

Our newest sponsor is J and O Fabrics -  they are sponsoring a gift certificate for $50 so that one winner can enjoy shopping at their online store!

Padsworth's Project is sponsoring an assortment of Colonial Needle notions for a lucky winner!

Now, I know that you are all excited, but we need to go over the rules. You know, we do have to have some. Here is how our show works:

      1.  Make certain that you link to that particular blog post,
           not just the "Home" or the "Splash" page of your blog. 
           We want the hoppers to be able to easily land
           on the post that features your pet or pet-themed quilt.
      2.  Be sure to have a "backlink." By that, we mean that 
           you will have a link in your post (or your Flickr 
           description) that hoppers can click to go right back to 
           the linky party fun!

      3.  Please make sure to stop in at the Lilypad every day, 
           and see who has joined the fun. You will be given the
           chance at the party close, to say that you left comment 
           love for all of the participants! That will earn another 
           entry in the drawings!

      4.  Please be certain to follow the "Thumper Rule" as you
           leave your comments . . . leave positive and kind words
           behind you when you leave. (Grin)

      5.  Be sure that you state which category your entry is to
           be considered in -- this is for the viewers' choice awards.
           GACK! I need to tell you the categories, don't I? (Grin) 
           OK, here you go: dog or pup on quilt, cat or kitten on
           quilt, other animal on quilt, or animal-themed quilt!

      6.  If you would like to have two entries, please separate 
           them into two blog posts, or a blog post and a Flickr 
           photo (or two Flickr photos). No more than two entries 
           per person, OK?  OK!

      7.  I recall that some of our partiers used googleplus last
           year, and that leaving comment love was problematic.
           It seems that not all of the playgrounds on the internet
           have easily-navigated gates between them. Let's say
           that google plus is ok this year, but you need to let the
           partiers send you comments -- leave a note with your
           email for them on your google page. You can do it this
           way: person(at)gmail(dot)com or something similar. If it
           is at all possible, use a blog or a Flickr post - those work

       8. If you don't have a Flickr page, post here at the 
           page for 2015:  
OK, let's see now. We told you who is sponsoring, and we laid out the rules; what comes next?

We party! I'm looking forward to this! 

We will leave our linky party open for ten days, to allow everyone a chance to join in and add their linky. The voting will begin on the 27th, and then a week later, we'll announce our winners! 

Let's party!

This linky list is now closed.


  1. I can't find the Flicker group for 2015 Pets on Quilts. Can someone help?

    1. Hi Annmarie....I had not yet made one. I assumed contestants would use their flickr pages. Do you have a page?

  2. Thank you Jacque for this great show! x Teje

  3. Jacque, Thank you so much for continuing to bring us this wonderful show, I look forward to it all year.

  4. Got my post up...but for the life of me I cant seem to link it to the party...Im sad ;(

    1. Never Mind!!! I figured it out!! YEAH!!!! My babies are ready for the visitors:):)

  5. Hi Jacque! Thanks so much for organizing such a fun event for us! Last year was my first time participating and this year I was primed and ready and thinking about it months ahead of time, LOL. I hope you enjoy it as much as we all do!

  6. Thank you for hosting again. I look forward to seeing everyone's pets and quilts during this show.

  7. Waiting for the rain to stop to do a photo shoot with Wilbur & Charly - love this - best linky ever!

  8. Hi I'm number 23 that doesn't have a picture. Somehow when I hit "crop," it linked up but deleted my picture. Is there a way to fix it so that my dog is in the thumbnail? Sorry for messing it up. Thanks!

  9. Yippee I've been waiting and watching for this!

  10. This is so fun! Love seeing everyone's wonderful quilting companions.

  11. Thanks for organizing this wonderful event! This will be my first entry although I have loved viewing in the past!

  12. I am so enjoying this show.


  13. This is a lot of fun! I am meeting some great people from this show, thank you again Jacque for this fun time!

  14. Thanks for another great show, Jacque. I'm looking forward to checking out everyone's posts.

  15. Sun came out for a small while and finally got to take some photos & link up!

  16. I posted my picture, but it got posted without me choosing a category. Is there a way to fix this after the fact? Thanks!

    1. Still can't find a way to choose a category, oh well. If it matters, it should be "dog on quilt". It's my dog, Pony, rolling around on my Star Wars quilt. Thanks!

  17. I am really enjoying meeting all the pets on quilts and hearing their stories. Thank you for hosting such a heartwarming Linky party.

  18. Dog quilt -#5
    Cat quilt -#34
    Animal theme -#20
    other Animal -#25
    So many lovely entries. Hard to pick one over another. Well done Quilters!

  19. Love this event
    Dogs on Quilt No 43
    Cats on Quilt No 55
    Animal themed No 2

  20. Animal themed dog quilt is wonderful.

  21. Hi Dragondrop and Padsworth. Just to let you know that I am still here just been sooooo busy getting assignments done.
    Hugs to all of you and especially Snoodles!!!


I am so happy to hear from you! I try to respond to all comments, but lately blogger has made that difficult! If you do not receive a reply, it may be because your profile is set on "no-reply". Edit your profile, and click "show my email address" and we'll be able to talk!
Please do not leave links to un-related blogs or products. That is not good etiquette and they will be deleted! :)