Thursday, May 24, 2012

I'm so sad.....

Why? Because I've been unable to respond to so many nice comments on my giveaway post!!

Please, if you have not heard from me, and you entered my jelly roll giveaway for the SewMamaSew event, check your settings --- you may be a "no-reply" commenter!!

I've worked my way backwards on some of you, and found my way to your blog so that I can let you know . . . but some commenters don't have blogs, so I'm stuck! (Not to mention the fact that it's very time-consuming to do that, so I sometimes can't!)
I truly love the comments that I receive -- whether we have a giveaway going, or not! And I try to respond to each and every one, so if you don't hear from me, please try this:
  1. In, click on Dashboard
  2. Select "Edit Profile"
  3. Check Box for "Show My E-mail Address"
  4. Save Changes
  5. Congratulations! You are no longer a No-Reply Blogger!
If you can't get that done, at the very least put your email address into the comment that you leave, OK? And you can adjust it to keep the spammers at bay, like this:

Now you will receive answers to your comments, and if Mr. Random chooses you to win a giveaway, you'll be notified and get your prize!!

Especially when the Pets on Quilts show happens in August - you are going to want to be able to receive emails - there are lots of nice prizes to be won!!
Here are the bingo words for today from the Lilypad! Be sure to check the other blogs for more words! (VroomansQuilts, HillbillyHandiworks, and Marcia'sCraftySewingandQuilting)



  1. I've had the same problem...about 40 times over or more! =(

    Maybe I'll win the jelly roll. =)

    Have a great day.

  2. I don't understand why anyone would spend all the time going blog to blog entering giveaways and not have any way to reach them. How do they think anyone will be able to contact them? I am guessing, but I think some of them are too busy rushing to see what is being given away and then quickly post a "PICK ME! PICK ME!" type of comment and never read. I know many are as I've seen a lot of comments that don't even bother to answer the question posed by that blogger. Sadly because they are obviously not reading anything more than what's being given away, they are also not reading instructions as to HOW to fix their blogger profile in order to allow the capability of anyone contacting them. It must be very frustrating for those giving something away. I've seen warnings on many blogs now stating that if you have your profile set so it makes you a no-reply profile or post anonymously without leaving any way to reach you then they will choose another person immediately to win because it's too time consuming to chase winners down that don't make sure there is a way to reach them. If I had a blog I would definitely do that myself. It already takes SO much of your time I'm sure to email those who have commented and put the post up with all the details of your giveaway and answering any emails some may send you regarding the giveaway etc. that it's taking away from things you need or want to get done. Why drive yourself nuts attempting to chase someone for days when there are many others that can follow the rules? Good luck.

    OH and thank you. I had already checked all the other Bingo blogs this morning and had no matched words at all. BUT, yay, YOU gave me two matches ............ I THINK......I have 'striped egg' and your word was for 'eggs' so did I match that? I have read many other things which are similar and from those it appears mine may be a match. If you can answer that I'd appreciate it otherwise I can get ahold of Tonya when she's back from her art class.
    Have a great day.

  3. ooh sorry - that last comment got a bit long. oops. I'll go back to my corner now and be quiet. :)

  4. Same problem annoying. Loved VickiT's little rant, too. LOL!

  5. I entered and commented for the giveaway and I did not receive a reply.I have also checked my profile and it does say show my email, Could there be another problem?

  6. Eu deixo meu E-mail em todos os comentários de sorteio,e em outros não,e sempre recebo respostas e agradecimentos.Tenho um E-mail que recebi de VOCÊ que diz que não entendeu o que eu falei.Tem que usar o Tradutor para BRASIL PORTUGUÊS.Obrigada.Até.

  7. You know I will be happy to take any unclaimed prizes! heheehe

  8. Wow thank you so much!!! I thought I had changed it but I suspected that I was still a no-reply but I couldn't figure out how to fix it. THanks so much!

  9. That is one of the nice thing about wordpress, people who leave comments are required to hand enter their email address. You are wonderful to take the time to track people down!!!

  10. Shoot!!! A while back I thought I had changed it. I just went back after reading your post and I guess I forgot to click on the "save" part. I do read all your posts, I just assumed I had changed it correctly a while back. Will I still be included in the drawing? I enjoy your blog, it brings a smile to my face! Thank you!


I am so happy to hear from you! I try to respond to all comments, but lately blogger has made that difficult! If you do not receive a reply, it may be because your profile is set on "no-reply". Edit your profile, and click "show my email address" and we'll be able to talk!
Please do not leave links to un-related blogs or products. That is not good etiquette and they will be deleted! :)