Saturday, August 2, 2014

Pets on Quilts Show 2014!!

Today is the day!
Our fabulous Pets on Quilts Show 2014 starts today!!

Participants can enter quilts in these categories:
1. Dog or puppy on quilt
2. Cat or kitten on quilt
3. Other animal on quilt
4. Dog-themed quilt project
5. Cat-themed quilt project
6. Other animal-themed project
There will be six viewers' choice awards in those categories. The rest of the wonderful prizes from our sponsors will be awarded via random drawings!

Use this post that gives you our linky party rules

Here are our incredible sponsors:

Fat Quarter Shop

The Art of Home
I Have A Notion

The CatBall.Com

Green Fairy Quilts

Grip and Stitch Disks from Clever Tools
Quilt Doodle Doodles
Penny Cottons
The Raspberry Rabbits
Marcia's Crafty Sewing and Quilting

Abbi May's online store
Hoffman Fabrics
                                                                     Martingale Books
Some tips for a stress-free party: First and foremost, be patient. It may take a few moments for your linky and thumbnail to complete, so give it time. If you struggle with linking up, give it another try, and if you are still unsuccessful, email me and I will try to help. (You will need to send me your attachment and the blog or Flickr info.) You can send it to quiltnsrep(at)yahoo(dot)com, and you will need to bear with me. Remember that I work well over forty hours a week, so it may be that evening before I have a chance to work with your linky!
VITALLY IMPORTANT NOTE: You simply MUST check to make certain that you are not "no-reply" on your settings. You can find oodles of tutorials on the web on how to do it, so I'll not bore you with the details here.
But if you are no-reply, I can't talk to you.  I can't post for you.  My hands are tied.
So PLEASE if you are not sure, put your email addy in your comment for me!!
This party will go on for ten days, so spread the word to all of your friends. Let's have lots of participation!
We'd love to have lots of shelter pets sleeping on cozy blankies and mats, too, so go to the Padsworth Project page and sew up something quick from your scraps!  A picture posted on Padsworth's page will result in three more entries in the drawings!! Wowza!
After you link up in the party, leave a comment saying you did, and then have fun hopping around to see everyone else, and leave them happy comments!

The viewers' choice contest will begin after the linky party closes! (You might want to keep notes on your favorites, to make the voting easier!)
Let's party!!

This linky list is now closed.


  1. I added my link with my pet quilt...this is such fun!

  2. I managed to get one of those furries on a quilt this year!! Can't wait for the posts to come in, fun to hop and see all the pet qoodness.

  3. Dunkin and Phoebe are joining the party. they want to check out the other pets and quilts. Dunkin may want to try another quilt out! LOL

  4. Just added my link, this year with an additional cat. No problem getting a shot as the new cat also thinks I am quilting just for her.
    Thanks for putting on this fun event.

  5. Thanks for coordinating this great event. we're linked.

  6. You all rock. I come by way of my favorite bunny artist, Michelle from the Raspberry Rabbits, and I just love how all of you celebrate the household pet. BLESS YOU ALL and have fun! Anita

  7. I'm so excited to have a quilt to show off this year. I love this event. Thank you for coordinating it!

  8. Gracie is linked up! Thanks for hosting!

  9. Wilson is linked up. Thanks for hosting again!!

  10. I submitted my entries! One of Carter helping me quilt and one of the quilt I made for him. Thanks for sharing! Love seeing others who love quilting and there pets as much as I do!

  11. Can't wait to see all the photos! This is one of my favorite parades :-)
    I've linked up to my blog post which has a link for readers to come back here for more parade views. Thank you so much for hosting and thank you to the generous sponsors who support our love of quilting and animals!

  12. great entries!woohoo good luck to you all!xx Speedy

  13. The terrible twins are in, love this and I'm still thrilled that you're doing it. Thanks so much from all of us.

  14. Jackson is thrilled to have a post all about him today! We are linked up and even gave a shout out for Padworth's Project. Looking forward to visiting everyone's posts. THANKS so very much for all you efforts in organizing such a fun hop!

    1. Only about ten more entries to visit...what fun this has been!!!

  15. Ahh, I love this show. What fun. Thank you and Padsworth for hosting it. You guys do a great job.


  16. What a fantastic show! I've entered and look forward to seeing everyone else's entries :)

  17. Great fun! Fuzz has been posing all year to get ready for this!

  18. Thanks for hosting a great linking party. Something went wrong for me --it just shows a little square but it still links if you click on the small box in the center.

  19. Thanks again for another great year of Pets On Quilts!!! This is so much fun - and the pets like being the stars for a change!!

  20. So happy its Pets on quilts time - love this linky, seeing as wilbur photobombed Charly's entry last year we gave in and let him have the spotlight this year. He knows how to be the centre of attention!

  21. I am linked up with my cat on my cat themed quilt. What a fun party and what cute projects!

  22. I entered one quilt, I will be doing a second in the morning :)

  23. Thank you for this great contest. I'm having fun looking at the entries :)

  24. I've got a favourite cat on quilt photo somewhere so will hunt it out! Such a fun event!

  25. There are so many wonderful entries this year. Thank you for all your work to make this lovefest happen!

  26. I love this show. It's such fun seeing all these daft animals!!

    1. I agree! I think we need this all year around! Looked through todya's entries during my break at work, and instantly cheered me up!

  27. Hi Jacque, Treacle and I have entered the show, just in time phew!!!!! Treacle was most insistent that we get the entry on!!!!! It has been quite busy here but I got it done. Thanks for putting together a wonderful show and to all the lovely sponsors. Susie & Treacle xx

  28. I just entered and linked up! What fun!!!

  29. I love this idea and have entered my Labradoodle, Lila. She is a sweet, gentle dog although a little distracted at times making the photo taking a little bit challenging.

  30. What a great idea, I have lots of both, quilts and pets. :-) I entered two of my kitties snoozing on one of my quilts. Thanks for hosting this

  31. I'm thrilled to be able to participate in your oh-so-fun show this year! Thank you so much for hosting this wonderful event!!!

  32. It is my first year to participate in the show. Thanks so much for putting this fuzzy hop together again this year.

  33. I entered!

  34. My photo link is broken. I sent an email to Jacque, I'd love to resend it so it shows up. I'm number 56. Nancy from PugMom Quilts!

  35. Number 61 and 62 were entered for my charity group didn't know how to list them as WOCS entries 60 is for my personal entry.. hope this is OK

  36. I entered my 2 quilts. Am number 57 & 58.

  37. I have enjoyed the parade immensely! for some reason though the Flickr photos stopped coming through. I have last years photos and just a couple posts from this year's parade. I love all these sweet animals and their quilters.

  38. One day I 'lost' my 14-year-old Cocker Spaniel, Misty. And all the while, she was right at my feet while I was longarming! So funny I had to snap a picture (#64)! Great photos of all these critters.

  39. This is a wonderfully fun idea and it looks like you have a lot of great & fuzzy participants! Thank you for the party and the effort you have put in, past, present and future!

  40. What a fun idea. My entry is a dog themed quilt. It is my interpretation of our 'grandson' Darwin the dapple chi-weenie (Chihuahua x Dachshund)

  41. I had to enter the Dogs on Quilt category. Tilly likes nothing better than to park her cute little body in the middle of my quilt when I am trying to hand sew the binding on.

  42. My entry (#68) is a puppy on a quilt category. This is a pic of my 7 month old puppy "helping" me document my quilt. Puppies are sooo helpful .

  43. And just cuz it was so much fun, my second entry (#69) is also a dog on a quilt category (actually in front of a quilt). This is a pic of Jet the trying, a basenji, at 14 years old in front of a quilt i made for my husband. Jet passed away in May, but he still resides in our hearts.

  44. Thanks for organising something for our fury family members. It is an excellent idea! Ive just entered a quilt i made for our Harvey dog (dog on quilt category). I look forward to checking out all the entries! Cheers. Jen

  45. I've entered my two gorgeous boys, Logan and Murphy, who are modeling quilts I've made. Logan is a quarter horse and Murphy is a percheron cross.

  46. Speedy and I entered also! thank you for doing this! so much fun!

  47. I forgot to let you know that I linked up! I did two posts this year, a cats on quilts and a cat themed quilt. I've written down on a piece of paper all of the ones I am voting for and will be ready to enter them as soon as the party closes, is that tomorrow?

  48. I too almost forgot to tell you that I linked up! I did two posts, a cats on quilts and a pups on quilts. Great fun and a great idea!

  49. I entered my sweet Deogie (dog) doing her back seat driving while sitting on a quilt. Thanks for a great show.

  50. Wow - I forgot to let you know too! I was so happy to be able to participate, and then forgot. So many cute pets on quilts - how can anyone choose between them? Thanks for hosting this event again this year - always one of my favorite blog events!!!

  51. 1. Dog or pup and quilt
    22 My Hank boy if I'm allowed, if not, 19
    2. Cat or kitten and quilt
    3. Other animal and quilt
    4. Dog-themed quilt
    6. Other animal-themed quilt

  52. I entered my quilts in the linky party and just now realized I was supposed to comment as well. Thanks for hosting this fun party!

  53. Thanks again for hosting this! Such fun :) I really enjoyed being able to participate this year :) Now I just have to catch up looking at everyone's babies!

  54. I enjoy the Pets on a quilt contest every year... it is so much fun seeing that so many quilters have furry helpers...

  55. I entered two quilts, and also neglected to post comments at the time. My entires are #74 - A cat named 'Baby' and #80 - A dog named 'Neo'


I am so happy to hear from you! I try to respond to all comments, but lately blogger has made that difficult! If you do not receive a reply, it may be because your profile is set on "no-reply". Edit your profile, and click "show my email address" and we'll be able to talk!
Please do not leave links to un-related blogs or products. That is not good etiquette and they will be deleted! :)