Wednesday, August 1, 2012

The 2012 Pets on Quilts Show is here!

Ribbit! Ribbit!  Padsworth here, and I'm your emcee for the show!

PLEASE READ all of the post today -- you want to be sure that you know the rules and know how to play!

Today is the day! I'm so excited that I already fell right off my lilypad! This is it! The Best Show on Earth -- the 2012 Pets on Quilts Show!

Today is the start of a whole lot of fun and fellowship -- quilters from all over the world are going to post in our great, big linky party, and all of you can hop and bop to see all of the wonderful pets, quilts, and new bloggy friends!

Our sponsors are ready --- Snoodles and I are ready --- I sure hope you are ready!!
I have my pencil and my notebook, and I'm comfy here on one of Snoodles' quilts: 

I want to keep track of the ones that I like the best -- even tho I can't vote . . . that wouldn't be right. But you can! Next week we'll ask you to vote for the viewers' choice awards, so you better write down the ones you love the best!

Snoodles' studio kitty, Moses, couldn't be bothered . . . he wanted to keep enjoying his nap:

Now, I'd like you to give a nice round of applause for our sponsors -- they make this clambake even more fun!

 The Fat Quarter Shop is providing a $100 gift certificate!

 The Quilted Kitty is providing three prizes: a fabric prize, a kitty tea set prize, and a $50 gift certificate!

The Raspberry Rabbits are providing a kit, wool, thread, and hangers for a prize!

Java House Quilts is providing a BOM pattern called "Cat-Acatemy" for a prize!

Martingale Publishing is providing a $25 gift certificate for a prize!

The Cotton Patch Quilt Shop is providing a $50 gift certificate for a prize!

IHAN is providing a gorgeous handbag from Bagamore Collections for a prize!

Abbi Mays Fabric Store is providing a $50 gift certificate for a prize!

Margaret Bucklew of Patterns to Quilt is providing a download of Quilty Clip Art for a prize!

Marcia's Crafty Sewing and Quilting is providing $30 gift certificates for three prizes!

Ronika Lee's Etsy shop is providing a plush kitty bed for a prize!

Inchworm Fabrics is providing Pieced Applique Weekend Projects for a prize!
Pop Doggie Etsy Shop is providing a magnet of the winner's choice, for a prize!

PupsEtc. Etsy Shop is providing a collection of doggy toys for a prize!

The Wooden Giraffe Etsy shop is providing an animal puzzle of choice, for a prize!

Diggity Dawg Etsy shop is providing pet placemats for two prizes!

Pat's Design Etsy shop is providing a key chain and a dog tag, for two prizes!

Heat Press Batting Together is providing rolls of fabric fuser for batting, for several prizes!

Ribbit! Ribbit! I need to rest! That's a lot of sponsors, and a lot of prizes! Thank you very much to all of our sponsors!

Now, here is how our Pet Show will work: You'll be posting your photos of pets on quilts, or pet-themed quilts on your blog, or on your Flickr page. Then you come to our linky party and link up directly to the post with the photo (or the Flickr photo) not just to your blog. We want to jump right over and see your entry --- don't want to have to search for it! (Grin)

UPDATE: Remember, from our previous post, that I said you only make one blog linky in the party --- you could have several photos on your blog for the show, but only one linky entry from each blogger.  Sometimes it's hard to translate frog-speak into people-speak! (Grin)

I can see where it may make problems for peeps who have different categories of quilts, tho. So, lets make this amendment to the rules:
You can have one linky entry to a blog, and two linky entries to Flickr photos. I'm hoping that will work for everyone, and we'll all have a good time!

You also need to make certain that you use good blog hop manners and include a link in your post, so that visitors can click and come right back to the Lilypad to see even more fun and cuteness! So be sure to place that "backlink" somewhere in your Pet Show post, or on your Flickr page, OK? We thank you!
If you don't have a Flickr page, email us at quiltnsrep at yahoo dot com and we will help out. Please bear with us and we'll get to it as soon as we can!
Our linky party will remain open for entries until August 9 --- that's a whole week for peeps to enter their quilts and their furbabies! At that point, the linkies will be closed, and voting will begin. We will leave the voting open through the weekend (through Sunday, the 12th) so that all of our friends can participate. Then, a couple of days later (probably the 14th or 15th) we will have our announcements of winners. Whooo hoooo!

Here are the categories for entries:
  • dog on quilt or dog themed quilt
  • cat on quilt or cat themed quilt
  • other pet on quilt or other pet themed quilt
  • Best EQ pet theme quilt design
  • Best Art quilt
I think it will be pretty easy to tell when you enter a quilt in most of the categories.....for the EQ and the Art quilt categories, please mention in your linky title or in your blog post, that you wish to be considered in one of these categories.  (For instance, you could include in your title (EQ) or (Art), or you could make sure that you write about it in your post.)
Our rules post is here if you have any other questions, or you can email Snoodles if your question is not answered there! 

Now, voting has not begun, but you CAN start leaving comments:

      1. Leave a comment here and tell me that you have 
          joined our linky party.
      2. If you are a follower, new or old, leave a comment
          to let me know.  Separate comment, OK?

These are your first two entries in the prize giveaways, so be sure to do this!
And if you are not sure that your email addy will show up, include it in your comment --- I sure wouldn't want you to miss out on a prize!!
Of course, we are hoping for lots of entries and lots of comments, so please bear with me . . . I might not get to answer all of them. (Kinda hard to get these froggy toes to work the keyboard, ya know!) 

When the linky party is closed, you'll be able to earn one more entry by visiting ALL of the contestants, and leaving them comment love. At that point you can leave a comment telling me that you did that.  (I'm a smart frog -- don't leave a comment saying you've visited all of them, before the linky party is even closed, OK? Heehee!)

Make sure that you leave comment "love" for the contestant, alright? No meanie comments in this linky party! (Grin)

Also, when the voting begins, you can leave your comment for that -- but we'll post details on that next week, OK?

Now, I think we have covered everything, but if you have a question, just holler! Ribbit!

Let's party!! (Linky party, that is!)

This linky list is now closed.


  1. I won't be entering this year, but I say GOOD LUCK! to everyone who does. I hope it goes well and smoothly for you Snoodles! Have a good time Padsworth!!

  2. I have joined in!

  3. I am a follower! I can't wait to see what the other bloggers have come up with!

  4. I have joined the linky party - Minnie made sure I was ready for it. She is such a spotlight hog, but I love her.

  5. I am a follower as you probably know...but I am getting the comment in.

  6. Sigmund and I have just joined the party, he loves being a star!

  7. The Dachsies With Moxie have joined the linky party- we are entering the dog category!

  8. I am a follower and have been waiting for almost a year for this to start! So excited!

  9. I have been a follower since the Sew mama Sew giveaway week :)

  10. I am a happy follower, can't wait to see all the cuties on quilts!

  11. I've just joined in with 3 categories :)

  12. Is that a hedgehog? Oh, so very cute!

    (I'm so glad I follow your blog so I can see all the adorable pets and beautiful quilts)

  13. The Three Cats Ranch is linked up!

  14. Of course I'm a follower. Padsworth is so hot!

  15. Everything looks great! I wish I could find pictures of my quilt to submit! I am definitely a follower :)

  16. Yes, I've linked up with Annabella playing peekaboo.

  17. Maggie and I have joined the linky excited! Thanks for the fun.

  18. I've joined your Pets on Quilt Linky Party. I posted a picture of my new Kitty, Elly. As we speak, she's bouncing off the walls.....grin. Hmmmmmmmm do you think she might want some attention......giggle.

  19. Oh my gosh, how much fun!! I am still finishing my entry into the Art Quilts section, but will have it ready in the next few days. And yes, I'm an old time follower. Loving the show so far!!

  20. I have joined in with a link to my Pets On Quilts post. Great tour so far!

  21. I am also a follower. Love the blog hops!

  22. I'm a new follower and a participant in the linky party! I just found you today after following another blogger who linked up! What a fun thing to do, thanks for hosting!

  23. I linked up. Looking forward to the fun.

  24. I just hooked up with the linky--I hope! :)

  25. I have joined the linky party... what fun!

  26. This is such a sweet idea. I remember you mentioned it in an email a while back. I don't own a quilt...hanging head in shame. if I did I would happily put Izzy on it and take a photo to share. I send hugs xo

  27. Wonderful prizes and wonderful quilt with pets.....GREAT JOB!!

  28. I have joined your linky party! This is my first pets on quilt show and I shared some pictures of three of my cats!

  29. I'm a fairly new follower, Istarted following you a couple of weeks ago!

  30. I just linked up! Thanks for this fabulous linky party....and thanks, thanks, thanks to your wonderful sponsors too.

  31. I have been following you for awhile now! Thanks again for this party.

  32. I'm a new follower.
    Will be joining the linky party shortly.
    Thanks to all the are all awesome!

  33. All joined up to the Linky Party! Thanku :-)

  34. I've joined the party although I do not see my link yet. Thanks for hosting.

  35. Yay..I linked up successfully and love this party. Thanks for hosting.

  36. And I'm a loyal follower. Thanks, again.

  37. HI miss Lily Pad,
    I am a long time follower. I think I have all my links fixed on my post. I have not participated in this blog hop before so it was kind of fun finding all the different photos of our cat to go with the post.
    Regards from Western Canada,

  38. Thanks for hosting such a fun blog hop- I am looking forward to reading everyone's pet stories about their quilts.
    I have linked up with the linky.
    Warmest regards,

  39. I entered my buddy Benny...thanks for the sure was fun to do this!

  40. I don't read directions too well - I entered my 'other' buddy with quilt and look forward to visiting all the entrants.

  41. I am an old follower. My mother has a quilt she wants to enter into the Parade and I'm struggling to figure this out how to do this via Flickr.

  42. I'm showing my two fishes :)
    Linked up!

  43. Lacy has joined in and we are looking forward to the fun of visiting al the participants...

  44. Robbie and I have joined in the fun. Cant wait to see all the cute pics

  45. I am pretty sure I follow your blog, but will double check and if not certainly will make that happen.

  46. You had me as a follower before yesterday. Thanks again for hosting.

  47. I've been reading about this on your blog for a while but don't think I've really commented (didn't want to enter any competition or giveaway accidentally!) So, I won't be participating but I want to say it sounds really neat. I'm interested to see some of the cuteness!

  48. This is the first time that I have entered in this contest but my image is cut off - please help me with entry #50!! When I was trying to edit the photo it uploaded it to your blog before I could do any editing :-(

  49. My entry is in - and all the entries are wonderful. This is going to be such a fun quilt show.

  50. My second entry worked great! Yay!!

  51. The quilt dogs have joined in the fun and cant wait to see the other entries and visit the sponsers :)

  52. We've joined the Linky Party: Rooster Parade by MargaretQuilts (my mother) from Flickr. Thanks for the help Snoodles. The links seem to work OK! I'm MarciaFlorida on Flickr.

  53. I'm #54...or Jax is! Starring in role of "dog on quilt". Finished it yesterday and was trying to photo/measure this morning for a blog update. Jax had other plans... ;)

  54. Finished reading rules....I'm new follower #905 ...I think :)

  55. I just joined in... link in place. I'm number 57.

  56. I am a follower. Gotta take some pixs to enter.

  57. I entered my Mama's quilt that she made for my son 26 years ago and linked in from Flickr.

  58. I included your link back from the flickr website for my Mama's entry

  59. I won't be linking up but am a faithful follower :)

  60. Yay I am a follower and have been wiating for this linky for ages! Just hope I can link properly as I am on holiday!! Fingers crossed!

  61. Yay I am linked up but on holiday so computer connection is pretty bad - sorry if this comment is a duplicate! Great linky!

  62. yep i am linked up...thzx for the party...loving the quilts

  63. I've linked up! Thanks for the fun linky party :-)

  64. Wow! This is going to be such fun. I know there will be so many beautiful quilts. It will be hard to vote for one favorite. Good luck to all.

  65. I joined! Yay!!! Thanks again Snoodles for hosting (and Padsworth for MC-ing).

  66. I'm a follower too :o) Thanks again!!!

  67. Now I have joined a blogpost about my cat Rusken (nr 65 in your linky party). Thanks for hosting this, and now I am going to visit the other entries to look at cute pets.

  68. I have just signed up as a follower. And you are also listed in my blogroll on my own blog.

  69. I just entered this lovely show :)


  70. I started following :) (Google Reader)

  71. Just linked up! Thanks for the cool idea!

  72. It took me awhile because I was enjoying all of the others, but I've linked up.

  73. I have joined the linky party!

  74. I have had the button on my blog for weeks!!

  75. Hi, My cat Mickey Mouser has joined the linky party.

  76. Hi Snoodles and Padsworth, Scamp and Picasso have joined the linky party.

  77. This is my first time participating so I hope I linked correctly. Ms. Murphy will appreciate becoming famous.

  78. This will be such wonderful fun...thank you for hosting this. It gives me a chance to see my beloved kitty on her quilt again. It will be one year since she went to the rainbow bridge...

  79. I just joined the linky party.

  80. I will become a follower as soon as I have finished writing this comment. This is a really fun event. Thanks for hosting

  81. Just put my link up, now I'm off the check out the other blogs. Thanks so much for a wonderful linky party!

  82. I've just joined in, sorry I'm late. I hope my quilt is allowed! Thanks to you both for all the hard work you've put in.

  83. I am also a follower. Now I'm off to hop around and see some lovely quilts. Ribbitt, ribbitt, hoppity hop....

  84. Just entered a pic of my crazy kitty Julius - if you can even find him all curled up in his quilt! First time I've entered the contest; <3 all the pics though! Thanks, Deidre @ Whimzie Quiltz and More

  85. Hi, here's Fenix and I and we decided to join this fun pet show too.

  86. ... and I'm now your new follower ;o)

  87. Of course, I am a happy follower!! I linked up with the photo, or so I thought. I tried to submit it again through Linky, but it said that my web addy was already used. I did
    manage to get the button on my blog, and post a picture there:
    my blog is callled

    If I am doing something terribly wrong, please e-mail me
    wigglypup2(at)yahoo(dot)com I would really like to enter and
    learn how to do things correctly!!!

    Thank youuuu so much!!!!!! Rhonda.

  88. Woo Hoo!!! Gobble's picture showed up!!! Happy Dance!! Little Yorkie Dance!!! Sorry I did not separate my post above, so I could enter twice. Gobble & I do regularly
    follow you & paddsworth!!!


  89. I have joined the linky party - hope I did it all correctly and I can't wait to see all the cute pics!

  90. And I am a follower of Lily Pad quilting too.

  91. I have become a follower of your lovely blog!

  92. I have signed up with Mr Linky and am showing a dog themed quilt!

  93. I entered :) thanks for hosting this.

  94. I am already a follower and have been looking forward to this link up.

  95. ah, I've finally figured out how to comment! being a bit dense today!! ;) ... I have linked up for my first entry :)

    Touch And Sew (

  96. And for my second entry i'm now a follower :)

    Thanks for this very cute competition!

    Touch And Sew (

  97. I am participating in the show!

    Maggie and Mom Wanda for KruseKats

    maggietkat at yahoo dot com

  98. I am now following your blog. Thanks for the bestest idea ever!

    MaggieTKat and Mom Wanda

  99. I have also joined the linky party :)

  100. ..and I´m also a new follower!

  101. I have not joined as I do not uilt that much but I intend to look at a lot of blog posts - they look fantastic!

  102. This is such a fun linky party! I'm in and just added my entry!

  103. This is so much fun! I just took pictures today and added my links a few minutes ago. Thanks for hosting!

  104. I am not a blogger, so can i still enter? I have a quilt I made using Laurel Birch cat fabrics but don't know what category that falls into.
    I have several cat quilts I want to make, as I have 3 cate, but will probably enter them next year as they are not ready this year. I've never used Flickr-is it easy to do? Do I need to fill out an entry form? What else do I need to do? I feel technology challenged!
    I would like to subscribe to your RSS feed, but my "computer geek" disabled my Apple email because i have Yahoo email. Thanks

    1. Hi Nellie! I sure hope you check back and see my reply....I tried to reply to your comment, but it didn't work for me.
      Flickr is super easy...and you don't have to pay, and you don't have to give a lot of personal info! You can sign up in a matter of minutes, and then upload pictures from your computer. Then you just use the URL for your picture location, and enter the show!
      If you need more help, please email me at quiltnsrep at yahoo dot com and give me an address that I can email you back at, OK? Thanks!

  105. I just join your linky party. I hope I did it right too!

  106. I am a new follower!

    legato1958 at aol dot com

  107. I joined in the linky party today... off to go read about the pets and quilts!

  108. I have linke up. Thanks for the giveaway chances!

    legato1958 at aol dot com

  109. Let's party! I've linked up my entry--cats on quilts. Thanks for a great party


  110. I added my link with my fierce dog named Cujo

  111. Thats a funny party, I´m glad to part of it, my entry is #116
    Liebe Grüße
    Bente in Germany

  112. I've linked up to the party!
    Thanks so much for hosting and thanks to the sponsors.

  113. I just joined the linky party!

  114. Hi, I am Penelope - The Cat From hell and I just entered. Me is laying on my quilt! My email is penelope.catfromhell at
    I am a follower!

  115. Oh! Oh! Oh! Me forgotted! Me is entering Cats on Quilts!

  116. Ja też zaczynam zabawę!
    I'm also start playing.

  117. Jestem nowym obserwatorem.
    I'm a new follower.

  118. I joined the linky party, my boys are #44 and 45. Thanks so much Snoodles for fixing the profiles so I could comment :-)))
    I love this linky party, it is so feel-good.

  119. I've entered. Finally. Phew I almost missed it! Can't wait to check out everyone's entries.

  120. I'm also a follower. :) Thank you for hosting!

  121. I just added my link to a few cat photos. Thanks for hosting this year!!

  122. I think I am now your newest follower!!

  123. Just linked up photos of my moody little Siamese, Sophie!

  124. Hi, I just linked up, but I don´t know if I made everything right, because I cannot see my cat...
    Hugs from germany

    1. Well and of course I did something wrong: I took the wrong photo...sorry...

  125. And I´m a new follower...

  126. Hi, Snoodles,
    perhaps you are not going to return to my blog, but if you do: My cat has the name from the Josua-Kadison-Song: Jessie: "she asks me how the cat´s been, I say: Moses he´s just fine..." and so on...
    I´m happy I made the entry to your party.

  127. Hello Snoodles. Miss Molly has joined in on the show and wants to enter the dogs on quilts category. Thanks for your help with our linky problem. Hugs, Molly and Christine.

  128. I linked up, but forgot to comment! Thanks!

  129. sorry I am late to the party..even my critters are did an amazing job pleased with your efforts..way to go girl. ...there are some pretty amazing furry friends that we sew love...can't imagine our world without both of you..x

  130. I'm excited to enter for the first time this year :)

  131. We have joined this year's Pets On Quilts show!
    Your TX furiends,

  132. We also follow you!!
    Your TX furiends,

  133. Hello Lily, I was delighted with his words thank you for your visit, I'm following you. Beautiful things here, good work , congratulations
    Did you see my other blog : just for cats friends?? Send me a photo of your beautiful cat that I put there.
    Good Wednesday

  134. Simba and I joined your linky party today! just in time :)

  135. Hi - Lilly and I just joined the linky party today. Whew, just made it! Thanks so much for hosting! o:)

  136. Need to clarify...I thought I had clicked to "follow you" last week but apparently didn't complete it because your posts weren't showing up in my list. But it is working right now :-) So I'm following and catching up with your posts. I'm "up to date" with the linky's...Love the blog hop. The pictures are great!

  137. Am a new follower! Wanted to join the linky party but even though i have two cats ready for photo session, I have no quilt at all:(

  138. We've joined your linky party! Our mom just put a quilt on our bed and we love it.

  139. I just posted Ellie and Max's pic! Thanks for hosting the linky party!

  140. I am a follower and love your blog!

  141. Just posted Lucy the llama, can't wait to check out all the other quilts:-)

  142. I'm presenting Mao Mao the cat! -April @ Little Mama Hen

  143. And now I'm a follower! Thank you so much for hosting the Pets on Quilts Show this year!

  144. I am a huge follower of your blog.

  145. Winston has been added to the linky party!
    Thanks for the fun!


I am so happy to hear from you! I try to respond to all comments, but lately blogger has made that difficult! If you do not receive a reply, it may be because your profile is set on "no-reply". Edit your profile, and click "show my email address" and we'll be able to talk!
Please do not leave links to un-related blogs or products. That is not good etiquette and they will be deleted! :)