Monday, March 21, 2022

C&T Publishing Spring Fling!

Are you itching for inspiration?

Or is that the poison ivy you got into, starting your springtime yard work? (Grin)

Here's your remedy: and I'm not talking about that old bottle of pink Calamine lotion! Hey, am I the only one old enough to remember that?

Head over to our buds at C&T Publishing and enjoy 50% off on fabulous books!

Click on this link and buckle up for a ride across the interwebs!

(Yep, it's an affiliate link, so I might get a small commission, but your price will not change!)

Look at just a small sample of what you will find there:

So much fun!

Enjoy the Spring Fling Sale!


1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the tip! Heading over there now. And yes, I remember calamine lotion. I also remember the song: “You’re gonna need an ocean…of calamine lotion…you’ll be scratching like a hound…the minute you start to mess around with poison ivy.”


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