Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Yep, Meowlloween is coming!

(I need to let you know that there are "affiliate" links in this post...I may receive a small commission on products, but your price is not affected. It's what helps keep the lights on (and the sewing machine running) at the Lilypad!)

If I had a horn, I'd blow it! Telling you about a Super Sale!
Starting today, and going until the 31st...

Our friends at KitNipBox are having a super duper meowlicious sale!

Simply use the coupon code MEOWLLOWEEN

You will receive 16% off the first month of your subscription!

With three subscription levels, you're sure to find one that is purrrrfect for your kitty!

If you need more purrrsuasion, shipping is free, too!

Click on this linkie, and check it out!

I'm stoked that they support over 100 animal welfare organizations with a purrrrtion of their proceeds, and with tangible gifts of puurrroducts, too!


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I am so happy to hear from you! I try to respond to all comments, but lately blogger has made that difficult! If you do not receive a reply, it may be because your profile is set on "no-reply". Edit your profile, and click "show my email address" and we'll be able to talk!
Please do not leave links to un-related blogs or products. That is not good etiquette and they will be deleted! :)