Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Giveaway winner!

We've consulted with Mr. Random Number Generator, and Colleen Gonzales is our winner!

Here is what Colleen said about her seam allowances:
Unfortunately, it's hit or miss for me. If I go real slow, I come fairly close to the magic quarter inch seam
Congratulations, Colleen!
It was a lot of fun reading and responding to everyone's comments! It seems that many of us strive for that perfect one quarter inch, but we also use tools to help us achieve it.

And in the event that we aren't quite perfect?  Well, we just enjoy the journey, and keep going on our quilts! Of course, there were a few perfectionists that mentioned seam rippers, but I'm going to ignore that! (Grin)

I hope that you are sewing along with us on your own Maggie's First Dance quilt. There is still just enough time for you to get the instructions, over at Jacquelynne Steves' site!

And if you want that really cool Clearly Perfect Angles tool for yourself, click on this link and go get one!

See you again soon,

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations Colleen, what words you wrote to describe your seams.Enjoy the perfect 1/4 inch from now on.


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