Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Winner, winner . . .

. . . but no chicken dinner!

Instead, this great prize is going home with our winner from the random drawing!

Many thanks to Eva Paige Quilt Designs for providing the prize, and to Jacquelynne Steves, for coordinating the party and giving us the great block patterns!

Congratulations to Nancy J, from All Points of the Compass!

Enjoy your prize, and show it off when you complete it, OK? We'd love to see!

More Pet Show stuff coming soon!


1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much, a wonderful 6 a.m. a start to my day. I am so thrilled and many thanks to Eva Paige Quilt Designs and to Jacquelynne Steves for Maggie's First Dance Blocks. There have been so many fab blocks, and every one a great interpretation with their own threads and fabrics.


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