Friday, April 29, 2011

Giveaway at The Intrepid Thread!

Padsworth wanted me to tell all of you in the Lilypadquilting community about an awesome giveaway he just spotted!

The Intrepid Thread is giving away a huge variety of fabric and goodies, to celebrate her 200th post! Just listen....First, a half yard bundle of Happier, in the blue colorway. (I'm drooling already - pass a kleenex, Padsworth!) Next, a circle/dot print from six (count 'em) different lines coming into her shop. Third, a fat quarter bundle of Silent Cinema, in the blue and green color palette. And as if that all were not enough, she's including a kit to make the darling button bracelet that she wrote a tutorial to help you make.

Whew! That's a big bunch of fabric and crafting fun! Hop on over and see if you can win it all!


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